george aros roping
rope horses

Save money, save time and get the best by buying direct. Aros Ranch is also your source for top quality alfalfa. Sold by the truckload, we can arrange shipping anywhere in the country. You will get the best price because we deal directly with the growers.


Top Quality Alfalfa and Bermuda
for Horses and Cattle

From the Field Direct to You

Warm sunny days, dry climate and near perfect growing conditions makes alfalfa Arizona's #1 crop. Our region's growers can control irrigation, cutting and bailing to ensure premium hay year after year. The low humidity is perfect for curing windrowed hay with a minimum of nutrition loss.


But not all hay is the same, and not all growers offer the same product. That is where personal knowledge and expertise come in handy. We know the farmers, the conditions and the quality of each cutting, ensuing you get the best product for your needs.


Your Truck Or Ours

Cut, baled and ready to load, we can transport anywhere. Large bales or small bales, tell us what yo want. Call for current rates and availability.